Monday, 1 September 2008

Comic reviews shipping week 29th August

[Reviews from These bleads?]

Superman Beyond: All manner of Grant Morrison bonkersness, plus a lot of references to ALL of his DC comics past and present. I’m still not overly convinced with 3D in comics, but the art was gorgeous. This is a real Final Crisis tie-in as well and seems very important to the main storyline, unlike some of the tie-ins that have tenuous links at best.

Rogues Revenge: this is one of those tenuous FC tie-ins, but it also the pick of the FC bunch as well. Comic of the Week – absolutely top drawer. The Rogues are portrayed as real bad-asses, totally professional in what they do, ruthless, and the best villains out there. Kollins’ art is perfect for these characters. I would buy a Rogues ongoing from Johns and Kollins in a heartbeat.

DC Universe: Last Will & Testament: weird one this. Is this supposed to be a Final Crisis tie-in? It doesn’t have the FC cover design and doesn’t have FC in its title, but it has come out slap-bang in the middle of FC. If it is a FC tie-in then the continuity goofs are off the scale, what with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern all being present and correct. Main story is about Geo-Force (who I normally find one of the most boring DC characters around but this is good) and Deathstroke. Some nice character moments though in a typical Meltzer style. I think it’s probably best just to read this one as a one shot that could be taking place before any crisis-type event.

Superman: after a couple of meh-ish issues Robinson seems to picking up with this. Some nice characterisation of Supergirl, a couple of nice nods to Steel and Bibbo whilst Krypto is fast becoming my new fave! Don’t like the colouring on this book though.

Blue Beetle: Matt Sturges is doing a great job following up Jon Rogers’ stellar run – some great comedy moments and the character development of everyone is carrying on very nicely indeed. I appreciate this title is bound to get cancelled sooner rather than later as I think I’m the only person in the world reading it so I’m just trying to enjoy this goodness whilst it lasts.

Justice Society: This Gog storyline seems to have been going on forever, but when’s it this good who cares?? More great character moments (Geoff Johns’s Hawkman kicks so much ass), and the huge cast all get a moment or two to shine - plus the downside of Gog’s ‘blessings’ are starting to become apparent. Best ongoing team book on the racks.

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