Friday, 29 February 2008

New title: RASL (Jeff Smith)

Jeff Smith, cartoonist extrordinaire of Bone and Shazam:Monster Society of Evil Fame returns with an altogether darket tale. Bizzarely that's not reflected in the art - few of the lush swathes of black used to great effect in Bone. Smith's quirky, delicate inks may be sparse on the page but still deliver a sense of oppresive heat and seediness, and his action sequences are as dynamic as ever. Beautiful pacing as always, wordless panels and scenes that would make pacing-expert Will Eisner proud. The plot revolves around an unnamed cat-burglar (who may be called RASL) and his ability to time-shift at great physical expense to himself to get away with the goods. Through continued use of this ability he appears to accessed a parallel world and he is being hunted down by a reptilian detective. A promising first issue.
Verdict: it's made the pull list!

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